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Welcome to your March 2023 Compass Points

Proud of our teams’ achievements

by Rachel Bundock, Compass CEO

CEO Rachel Bundock

I hope everyone is enjoying the (slightly) warmer weather and the early signs of Spring. With lighter nights and spring flowers, it is always a time of year for looking forward with optimism and this month we are doing just that.

Sort It!

Firstly, to Enfield Sort It! and plans for the transfer of services to a new provider from 1 April. We have been very much focussed on supporting the team and the new provider to start well as the changes take effect. There is always a good deal of work by many people involved in transfer of services, but I want to give particular thanks to the Sort IT! team who have continued to deliver support to CYP, whilst supporting the organisation and each other through the transfer. Enfield Sort It! has been with Compass for many years and it is with great sadness that we must finally say goodbye to the team. The whole Senior Management Team and the Board are proud of the team’s many achievements, particularly their role in advocating for young people who are often marginalised and the ongoing support to their community. Thankyou.


In Wakefield, we have been preparing to implement a new Emotional Wellbeing Service for Children, Young People and Families from 1 April – commissioned by the Integrated Care Board to embed an early help model for emotional wellbeing into the system. The model is resilience-based and will be working within the Wakefield Resilience Framework. It is an exciting time as we support new colleagues who transfer over to us and develop a new model of care which aligns to our Compass values. You can check out how the service develops on our website by visiting the new Wakefield page from next week.


We don’t have our usual Senior Management Team update this month. The SMT did not formally meet this month. We have been busy preparing for the transfer of Enfield Sort IT! and the start of the emotional wellbeing service in Wakefield, as well as setting down the business plan for the new financial year.

Across the whole organisation, I have been working with SMT colleagues to reflect on progress against this year’s business plan and begin to focus on next year’s priorities and plans; I will of course share the detail of the plan as soon as I am in a position to do so.

Compass Wakefield launches on April 1

Compass is launching a new service, in Wakefield, to support children and young people’s emotional and mental wellbeing.

It will be managed by Vick Hanley, alongside her management of the Compass Be MHST team. The services’ offices are just 20 minutes’ drive from each other.

Please like and follow our new Compass Wakefield facebook page…

Compass Wakefield facebook page

Meet Sam. He’s helping the littlest children in Barnsley schools learn about the ups and downs of every day life

Compass Be’s Assistant Educational Mental Health Practitioner, Emma Turton has been out and about in schools with our newest recruit.

The youngest children in primary schools learn about how Sam has good times and bad times during an average day – and get to understand feeling different emotions is normal.

Sam sessions are getting good feedback from teachers and from the children, who are invited to say what they think in class once his day is done.

Read the story and see Emma’s video below.

Emma and her manager Vick Hanley at Compass Be are letting Sam wander further afield.

They have created a generic, copyrighted version of Sam’s Story which you can access here via your free Canva online graphics account.

Vick says: “We are delighted to be able to share the great work delivered by Compass Be with colleagues from other services.  As Emma says in the video, we have a vast range of experience and skills within Compass as an organisation and it is important we tap into this and share good practice across all services.”

If you think this resource could be used, please contact Emma, copying in Vick.

Emma shares her know-how with new counterpart in sister service

Our experienced worker Emma Turton welcomed her counterpart, Kate Miller, in Derbyshire to share knowledge during a day working side by side in Barnsley.

It proved a great success, as Emma explains. And the assistant educational mental health practitioners hope they will be able to collaborate on new work and share ideas now they’ve made that vital face to face connection.

CYPDAS Stuart’s concerns over laughing gas ban

Stuart Haste, CYPDAS manager

CYPDAS manager Stuart Haste has said the government’s decision to ban nitrous oxide could be hugely counterproductive for vulnerable young people who are in crisis.

It could lead young people who use laughing gas into the hands of criminal gangs which also deal with Class A drugs such as heroin and cocaine.

Stuart said: “The change will impact on our client group, who choose to use NOS as it will become a controlled drug and possession will be illegal.

“Overall, the risk becomes far greater – there is a danger to individuals’ health and wellbeing due to purity and quality, contact with dealers, gangs, being arrested, getting a criminal record.”

Read more below.

Life saving overdose antidote now distributed by CYPDAS staff

Robyn Fisher, at CYPDAS, has been training clients to use Naloxone – which can bring people who are overdosing around in seconds.

Robyn said: “We have got lots and lots of kits, so if anyone needs a replacement, they can have one straight away, no problem.

“If they tell us that they’ve got friends that would like to carry it, I would be more than happy to sit and teach them as well, because the more people that have it, the more you could save.”

Read more, see Robyn’s interview and watch her Naloxone demo.

CYPDAS team enjoy a day out in honour of Champions Award winner Abbie

Warwickshire CYPAS colleagues were treated to afternoon tea to celebrate Abbie Sutton’s success in winning a Values Champion Award.

Abbie took home the trophy for her Consistent and Reliable Approach. She had been unable to get to a celebratory lunch arranged for the Compass Values Champions during the winter.

Compass Changing more Lives as new Centres of Excellence opened in Derbyshire

Staff at Changing Lives establish new office to serve the community

Intrepid trainer Danielle delivers whole school approach training to senior school staff

London teams enjoy crazy golf away day

Bloom’s Adele puts her best foot forward

See Danielle’s monthly wellbeing column a bit further down!

Take Good Care – Your Health and Wellbeing with Danielle Grant

Danielle – Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Training Officer

Giving is a gift to us all

March 19th was Mothering Sunday, originating from the Christian Calendar as the date in which families would return home and attend their ‘Mother Church’. But much like many Hallmark days, this meaning has evolved to a day to celebrate the women in our lives. The mothers, the grandmothers, the step/foster and care mothers, the mothers-in-law or substitute mother figures and matriarchs. And rightly so.

This month, it seems fitting that we look at the 5 Ways to Wellbeing tip of: Give.

Giving is easily done, it can be a simple gesture of kindness or noticing when someone needs to talk. You can give your time for free, and it can mean the world to somebody else.

Gifting is different to giving

Gifting is thematic this month, but what is it that we chose to gift? What adorned the shelves of supermarkets? Chocolates, flowers, teddies. People queued at the checkouts with similar gifts for the otherwise remarkably different and unique women in their lives. Giving is a gift, but gifting seems entirely different.

When we gift, we should look to also be giving; giving attention to the person, noticing their hobbies, interests or their qualities. What would they love to have and what do they deserve?

Perhaps grandparents or even our parents miss us and what they would like is to spend time doing their favourite thing; maybe they would enjoy seeing you do your favourite thing and just enjoy being a part of your interesting life?

Everyone in Compass gives incredible care and attention to those they work with. We do this because we understand what people need; we show empathy and reassurance and the value this adds to our beneficiaries is both empowering and powerful. This is a transferable skill, and one we could all use for our loved ones… And in more shocking news, we could actually use on ourselves.

Treat yourself kindly

Do you treat yourselves with the same empathy, patience and love you show others? Do you give your body what it needs and deserves- often rest and recuperation?

Why not try? The Astrological first day of spring arrived on 20th March. A time for life, new beginnings, and growth. So, harness all that beautiful strength, love and compassion and turn it inwards. You don’t need more chocolates, do you? You need fun and laughter and love.

So let us all focus on ‘Give’ sincere acts of kindness. Unique gestures that represent our gratitude and are individual as we are.

So what if you gave chocolates and a pink ‘Best Mum’ mug again this year. There is always next week or next month to give a more heartfelt message. On a day of your own choosing. And there is no time like the present to start giving yourself those positive affirmations and respect too.

Give yourself a break, give yourself rest, give yourself something you want and deserve.

Grateful for the help and support you’ve received from a colleague? Tell us about it…

Just Say Thanks…

Rich thanks for Enfield staff

I would like to say a massive thank you and good luck to all Sort It! staff as they transfer to a new provider on 1st April 2023. Enfield Sort It! has been one of our most long-standing young peoples’ SMU services within Compass and has such a wonderful, talented team who will be sadly missed. For many years, the team has gone above and beyond to support and champion young people’s health and wellbeing earning a fantastic reputation for the engagement of and successful outcomes for some of Enfield’s riskiest and most vulnerable young people. On behalf of all Specialist services, thank you and we wish you good luck for the future.

Rich Thomas – Operations Manager

I just want to say a huge thank you to my team. They are an amazing bunch, full of energy, and joy. The office is always a fun place to work in – that atmosphere can be unique to find in most workplaces. The team have been a solid part in shaping the Harrow service; we have come a long way since I started. We have had our ups and downs. Downs being clearances and archiving. Ups being getting our referral numbers up, increasing our presence in the borough and making some really good partnership work which has resulted in excellent outcomes. I have every faith the service will be well looked after by the management team. I will miss each and every one I have worked with in Compass, and I just want to say a huge thank you for the opportunities I have been given from day one.

I would also like to wish Sonia Bunger the best for the future as she moves on to bigger, better things. Thank you for being a strong leader who let me also grow in my own role. You will be missed.

Rumina Sultana – Health & Wellbeing Team Leader, Compass Harrow YP Service

The Safe East Team would like to say a massive thank you to our wonderful Rachel Rigby, who will be leaving us in early April, for all her hard work and dedication to the team and our young people. Rachel is such a huge pillar of the team, and one of the funniest team members. She will be greatly missed. Whilst we are sad to see her move on, we know she will be amazing at leading the Harrow team and sharing all her nuggets of wisdom and wealth of experience. Knowing that she will still be a part of the Compass bubble is comforting. We wish Rachel the absolute best and know she will smash it. For me personally, Rachel played a big part in helping me settle in when I started at Safe East, eight months ago. She was so supportive, patient, helped to settle any anxious feelings, was happy for me to shadow her many times. She believed in me so much, more than I did in myself, which was super helpful. Rachel had so much belief that I’d take the role by a storm and I couldn’t ask for much more. We appreciate you and will miss you, Rachel!

Mariam Sheriff – Engagement and Participation Support Worker, Compass Safe East

I would like to extend my grateful thanks to Lisa Gale, Assistant Director for her cover in the Lancashire Service Manager role. Lisa not only continued to deliver on her AD role, she spent several days each week in Lancashire – lots of travel, late nights and time away from home is a sacrifice for anyone but Lisa did all of this with good humour. I particularly want to thank Lisa for giving her time and determination to the Lancashire trainees through this time and supporting them to successfully complete the post graduate training.

Jan Smith – Operations Director

I’d like to say a huge ‘THANK YOU’ to Zoe Davis – Service Manager, Rachael Askew – Team Leader and Lotty Jarvis – Clinical Nurse Team Leader for Compass Phoenix. They have worked tirelessly in supporting us as a team, whilst redesigning the delivery of our service so we are able to deliver a ground-breaking new delivery model.

It has meant so much that you have  always been there, to answer a call or an email and to facilitate our ‘Flash Meetings’ at the end of each working day.

I feel that moving forward this has strengthened us as a team and I personally am very grateful to work with such a fantastic team. So THANK YOU Team Phoenix.

Sarah Wilmore – Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner, Compass Phoenix

A massive thank you and farewell to Sonia Bunger. Tower Hamlets and Harrow teams are sad to see her go but wish Sonia good luck in her new role. We have appreciated all Sonia’s efforts and support as she led on Harrow and Tower Hamlets services since joining Compass. Sonia has worked incredibly hard to ensure both services were supported through lots of changes. Sonia, Thank you!! 😊 from Tower Hamlets and Harrow Teams.  XX

Victoria Jones – Team Leader, Safe East

A massive thank you and farewell to Rumina Sultana. Rumina has supported Harrow Team through change since joining the Harrow Team at Compass. Good Luck for the future, Rumina. It’s been a pleasure. From Tower Hamlets and Harrow Team 😊 xx

Victoria Jones – Team Leader, Safe East

Big thank yous to the Coventry Team for their support, warmth and care and being there for one another, whilst we continue to navigate through both exciting and challenging days together as a team – thank you lots , Beth 😊

Beth Foulstone – Practice Well-Being Supervisor, Coventry CYP Mental Health Service

I would like to say a huge thank you to Lisa Alexander for her hard work and dedication to the young people in Barnsley.  Lisa always works hard to meet the needs of the young people on her caseload, but what has been really helpful to me is the way in which she keeps her diary (and me) updated as to where she is with regards to upcoming spaces in her diary.  This means I can allocate new cases to her in a timely fashion to avoid any appointment gaps.  This week, one of her schools was shut due to a teacher strike day, so she rang around the other schools on her caseload to find ones that were open and moved some assessments forward to avoid missed appointments.  We are currently making some logistical changes here at Compass Be… and this has meant Lisa is able to offer some additional assessments – she is happy to go wherever she is needed and often responds with her signature ‘I’ll sort it’.  Lisa, you are really a superstar, committed to the young people and being a real team player 😊

Sarah Turner – Supervising Practitioner, Compass Be

I’d like to thank Kirsty Taylor in Barnsley, for supporting me in developing my role within the new Coventry Service.

Amanda Gallagher – Training & Consultation Worker, Coventry CYP Mental Health Service

To all members of staff in the Nuneaton School nursing team – thank you for making me so welcome in my first two weeks working with you and for being so kind!

Catherine Morris – School Staff Nurse, Connect for Health

I’d like to thank Alison Gibson at Compass Bloom for taking the time to explain and share how she organises her files, folders and paperwork so that I can follow her system and start being organised with paperwork I have yet to encounter as a trainee. She also took a lot of time to help us with our first university assignment sharing her experience and wisdom. It was so helpful and I am very grateful!

I’d like to thank Karen Tinsley at Compass Bloom for always noticing when someone needs help and offering it. She’s a fountain of knowledge and I am grateful for all the times she has taken time out of her busy day to answer my questions. It means a great deal to me that she notices when we need help and offers her time so freely.

Jane Downing, Trainee Education Mental Heath Practitioner – Compass Bloom

Compass Points email address.

You can get in touch with staff looking after Compass Points via our email address. It’s

If you want to say thank you please remember to start the subject line with Just Say thanks

HR update with Donna Wilson, HR Business Partner

DBS updates service

When new colleagues have been joining us recently, we have asked them to subscribe to the DBS Update Service. 

You will know that your DBS needs updating every two or three years and when this happens, we are asking colleagues to register with the DBS update service.  It’s an online subscription service that lets you keep your standard and enhanced DBS certificates up to date. It also allows employers to check a certificate online, with your consent.

Joining the Update Service

You can join the Update Service when you receive your DBS certificate, by using your certificate number. If you choose to do this, you must join the Update Service within 30 days of the ‘date of issue’ displayed on your certificate.

You can use your certificate again when you apply for a position within the same workforce, where the same type and level of check is required.

Registration lasts for one year. The service costs £13 per year and starts from the date your DBS certificate was issued. The £13 fee is payable by debit or credit card only. You can claim the £13.00 annual subscription back from Compass, on an expenses claim form

Please note, you must keep hold of your original DBS certificate in order to utilise the Update Service. Your manager will need to see this before they carry out a status check.

Benefits of joining:

  • saves you time having to do a full DBS every 2/3 years
  • you can take your DBS certificate from role to role (if within the same workforce, where the same type and level of check is required)
  • Managers can carry out instant online status checks on DBS certificates that are linked to your subscription
  • the service enhances safeguarding processes
  • you will not need to produce all the documents for a renewal

If you have any queries at all, please contact a member of the HR Team.


Joe Wicks offer

Joe Wicks, The Body Coach is offering FREE access to the Body Coach App 💪 Apply here (you will need a valid NHS email to register)

Charity worker shopping discounts

As prices rise in the shops, this may help…

Discounts are available to charity workers and volunteers. All you need is your name, postcode and the charity you work for.

Click the image to learn more.

Compass Awareness Days Calendar for 2023

The Compass Awareness Calendar for 2023 is our most comprehensive yet and has new sources including the NHS. Please take a look to see what’s coming up in the next month or two and through the year.

April is…

Stress Awareness Month

Tell us your news…

The deadline for stories, messages and pictures for the next issue is
Midday, Friday, 14th April. Please send all submissions, including thank yous, to