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SilverCloud virtual, any-time CBT platform to roll out to Harrow service

Published on: June 28, 2022

The SilverCloud virtual CBT platform, which is established at Compass GO and in Barnsley MHST is to be adapted for use in our Harrow service.

Rich Thomas, Operations Manager – Specialist Services, said: “SilverCloud approached the organisation to help create and pilot structured drug and alcohol online modules specifically for young people.

Harrow Young People’s Substance Misuse Service will lead on this exciting new project during 2022-23.”

Compass GO already runs SilverCloud packages for 14 to 19 year olds which focus on from Anxiety, Low mood and Body image.

Assistant Educational Mental Health Practitioners Rosa Towner and Lily Cooper are SilverCloud Supporters who help the young people who choose to access it there.

View their video.

Meanwhile, in Barnsley, AEMPH Thompson Charuma and MHP Lisa Alexander support the young people on the packages available there, which are around anxiety, supporting an anxious child and low mood.

Rosa explained: “We have found that some young people are harder to reach, often reluctant to ask for help or to share feelings, face to face. 

“Our SilverCloud packages have written information along with interactive quizzes and tools for young people to use. 

“The young people can access the material 24/7 so it can fit in with their study time and/or work pattern.  The aim is to ensure that they can access the tools they need when they need it.”

The SilverCloud supporters encourage the young person through their journey and carry out weekly review for each person, giving a written response. 

Rosa said: “Having the Supporter as the young person’s cheerleader ensures that there is always positive reinforcement to keep going. 

And she added: “We have made a great start to promoting the service through videos, flyers and posters.  The creation of the self-referral and QR code.  We have also been present in assemblies and link meetings to ensure that there is understanding and recognition of our service.”

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