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Making substance misuse and mental health support more inclusive

Published on: May 22, 2019

We are making great strides in developing integrated health and wellbeing services for young people that provides responsive care about a wide range of lifestyle issue.

Since 2012, Compass has been at the forefront of developing integrated risky behaviour services for children and young people that enables individuals to access a range of lifestyle behaviour support ‘under one roof’ by one professional. In that time Compass has developed five different models and approaches based on local commissioning requirements which have been tried and tested to help us develop an evidence base of what works; each one informing the next. The evidence base is growing along with an understanding of how services are best commissioned for success.

Compass REACH was our first Risky Behaviour service which has evolved over time to best respond to presenting needs and risks. The following case study published by Public Health England about our North Yorkshire REACH service is an important marker for ‘what works’ and where significant progress has been made. It is also a testament to how services need to continually learn and evolve to best respond to young peoples needs. Other similar commissioned services are Lewisham and Tower Hamlets Young Peoples Integrated Health and Wellbeing Services.

Rachel Bundock

CEO, Compass