Published on: September 28, 2022
Compass staff in its services around the country have been asked to spread the news bout the organisation’s fully grant-funded Senior Mental Health Lead training for education professionals.
It is a requirement for all schools to identify a named senior mental health lead within their setting and enable them to access approved DfE funded training, so they know how to fulfil their role and implement a whole school approach to mental health.
More than 100 education professionals have so far embarked upon our two-day intensive course, follow up 1:1 sessions and Community in Practice, developed by Compass Positive Effect, which is led by Business Development Assistant Director Rose Kearns, in conjunction with Adam Billson, of Billson Consulting.
And as the need for training intensifies in schools and colleges, Rose is asking all our staff to remember our own SMHL training offer. Its high quality and is assured by the DfE and has CPD accreditation.
Rose said: ” We recognise the important role MHSTs play particularly in working alongside senior mental health leads in supporting them and education colleagues to embed whole school approaches. Supporting senior leads to access funding and getting onto the right training course is key.
“Compass is uniquely placed in the market as we are both experienced at delivering training in this subject through our historical BUZZ project and a service provider of MHSTs whose role is to support schools to put that training onto practice through ongoing consultation and coaching.”
Our training is grounded in our in-depth knowledge gained in providing prevention and early intervention mental health services and the real experience as now a national charity delivering mental health support teams’.
Please see key points about the course.

Feel free to copy the link below. The page includes forms asking for more information and to sign up.
Senior Mental Health Lead Training by Compass Positive Effect.
You can find this page easily as it has a button on every page of our website.

Positive Effect asks you to please download the flyer here so you can attach it to emails or print it out.
A public version of this story will be produced soon.