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Hand washing

Washing hands properly removes dirt, viruses and bacteria to stop them spreading to other people and objects. Ineffective hand washing can spread illnesses such as colds, sickness or diarrhoea.

To limit the spread of bacteria and viruses it is important to get your child into the habit of regular hand washing and to ensure that they have the correct technique.

Top tips

  • Ensure that your child wets their hands thoroughly and uses soap.
  • Your child rubs their palms together (away from the water).
  • Ensure that your child rubs the back of their hands and in-between their fingers.
  • Remind them to clean their finger tips and around the wrist area.
  • Help your child to rinse their hands with clean running water.
  • It should take approximately 20 seconds.
  • Remember to dry hands thoroughly.

When should we wash our hands?

  • Before eating and drinking
  • After using the toilet
  • Before helping in kitchen/cooking
  • After blowing noses/coughing/sneezing
  • When your hands are visibly dirty
  • After touching pets
  • After playing outside.

Hand washing song

Singing the Handwashing Song can help your child wash their hands properly.

Wash, Wash, Wash Your Hands
(To the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat)

Wash, wash, wash your hands
Wash them nice and clean.
Scrub them here (with hand motion scrubbing together)
Scrub them there (with hand motion scrubbing top of hands)
And scrub them in between (with hand motion scrubbing between fingers).
Wash, wash, wash your hands
Wash them nice and clean
Scrub your thumbs
Scrub your wrists
Germs go down the drain.