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Being bullied

What is bullying?

Bullying is when a person chooses to be unkind on purpose because they want to upset someone else. There are lots of reasons why people choose to be unkind, this could be because they are upset themselves. 

It is important to know, that:

No one deserves to be bullied. 

If you think it is happening to you or a friend, you should:

  • Tell a trusted grown up such as your teacher, parent or the person that looks after you
  • Every school should have an anti-bullying policy so if you don’t want to speak to your teacher-ask your parents/carer to speak to them for you
  • Remember, its not your fault and you don’t deserve it
  • Even if you think no one cares, there are people who can help you
  • Bullying can be scary, don’t try to deal with it on your own
  • Don’t fight back, the bullying could get worse and you may get hurt