Published on: October 15, 2019
Last week (7th – 11th October 2019) Compass REACH supported National Work Life Week by exploring how we can practice the Five Ways to Wellbeing in order to improve our workplace wellbeing. We dedicated each day of the week to one of the Five Ways to Wellbeing.
1. Monday was #KeepLearning
On Monday 7th October our Nurse Team Leader, Ashley Greaves, shared his thoughts on #KeepLearning. He took to Twitter to promote the benefits of experiential learning, visual learning, using Podcasts as part of audio learning, kinaesthetic learning, utilising the skill from within your own team, using shadowing opportunities and, everyone’s favourite – role playing in team meetings!
2. Tuesday was #Connect
On Tuesday, our colleagues in Harrogate, Katie and Dolly, explored how we can all #Connect with others and by doing so create stronger more resilient relationships that can form the basis of solid support networks both in and outside of work.

3. Wednesday was #BeActive
On Wednesday Caroline and Gill looked at how we can all improve our work/life balance by making sure we try to make time to #BeActive and how exercise can improve our health and wellbeing from both a physical and mental health point of view.
One of our Young People’s Nurses has recently taken up a new challenge by joining a wild swimming group! She says it has challenged her physically and also mentally but that the achievement, mental clarity and pure invigoration has definitely been worth it!

4. Thursday was #TakeNotice
Our Young People’s Nurse in Craven helped us to understand how we can all #TakeNotice of the small things that we come across during our daily life…
Mel and her Compass BUZZ colleague, Heather, promoted lots of mindfulness activities to encourage us to build them into our lives as much as possible in order to support our own wellbeing.
Mel invited her Compass colleagues to take a few moments to be a little more mindful, to enjoy the present moment and take notice of our five senses and how we are feeling, not thinking about the past or the future, but just appreciate the moment and any small details you notice.

5. Friday was #Give
The last day, Friday, was all about #Give. Giving to others can improve our own wellbeing and sense of satisfaction.
Colleagues, Rachael and Jess, distributed inspirational little compliment cards around the office for people to find and share…

Even tucking them under the windscreen wipers of cars in the car park – it was lovely to leave work on Friday evening to find this!

The Five Ways to Wellbeing are simple things that everyone can do to make you feel happier and more positive, why not give it a try!
For more information on the Five Ways to Wellbeing visit: