Published on: September 2, 2018
New Academic Year, New Training
Welcome to a new academic year! Hopefully you have all had time to relax and rest ready for the term ahead. Here at Compass BUZZ we’ve been buzzing around getting our next two training packages together; our new Level 2 training on ‘Early Identification of Need’ and Level 3 training on ‘Early help and intervention’.
We are particularly excited that these new training packages include a series of short film clips that have been co-produced alongside some inspirational young people. The films explain how important young people think it is that they are able to re-ceive support in relation to mental health and wellbeing from their school. We think the film clips are very powerful the young people’s words really bring home the importance of the incredible work you already do in schools.
There are also some powerful animated sequences which illustrate some personal experiences young people have had with anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
The young people involved were members of the Harrogate Youth Council and students from Stokesley School who kindly gave up their time to support this filming. Many of these young people had never been in front of a camera before but all of them did an incredible job. We look forward to sharing them with you!
Schools have already started booking dates for the new Level 2 training on ‘Early Identification of Need’ and Level 3 training on ‘Early help and intervention’ and places are going quickly! Don’t miss out – book now to avoid disappointment!

Top Tip
Helping children to normalise feelings of anxiety can be really helpful in reducing its impact on their mental health. Double click on the BEE to see our psycho education handout on the fight, flight and freeze response.
Staff Profile

Sarah Wilmore is our Wellbeing Worker in Scarborough, Whitby and Rydale. She grew up on a farm outside of Pickering. She has worked in London and Leeds and is a trained holistic massage therapist. She has two children and enjoys mountain climbing, baking and reading. She has worked with Children and Young people in schools and through outreach work around social and emotion mental health and communication difficulties
Grief and Loss
Grief and loss, including bereavement, is one of the most common events that children and young people experience. This can lead to low mood and in some cases bouts of depression. When supporting a young person who has experienced a loss, it is important to remember that grief is a process that all people go through at some point in their life.
The age of the child/young person and their relationship to the person who has passed will inevitably impact on how it affects them and how they process it. It is important to offer support and allow them time to talk. Having to ‘retell their story’ can re-traumatise a child/young person – so it is important they have a consistent person to talk to.
The first year can be very difficult as it includes all those ‘firsts’ such a birthdays, Christmas and anniversaries. Bear this in mind as people can revisit grief during these times. You can also contact Compass BUZZ for further support around this.
Telephone 01609 777662 or speak to your local Wellbeing Worker.
World Mental Health Day
10th October 2018 is World Mental Health Day. As you are already aware, here at Compass BUZZ, we are committed to promoting mental health and wellbeing throughout North Yorkshire and improving children and young people’s futures. We really want to promote this by asking schools to sign up to a non-uniform day on 10th October 2018 to show their support for mental health.
Each school that signs up to this will receive a free lesson plan and a PowerPoint presentation suitable for an assembly. We have already had a lot of interest in this from schools – if you are interested in supporting World Mental Health Day, please contact your local Wellbeing Worker, or alternatively you can contact Compass BUZZ on 01609 777662.