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Harrow staff secure series of 72 workshops in local college

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Published on: February 22, 2023

Harrow Substance Misuse Service staff are celebrating the achievement of securing a total of 72 workshops across all the tutor groups at a major college in a deprived area of the borough.

Team leader Rumina Sultana said the series of workshops covering all tutorial groups at Stanmore College in Harrow will be completed before the summer. They are the result of strong partnership working with staff there.

Rumina said: “With summer coming up, which is quite a party time as well for young people, we’re hoping that we will be able to help the young people make more informed decisions.”

The stressful exam season was also imminent.

“So it’s a cause of celebration, definitely, for us.”

The workshops are aimed at raising awareness among staff and students about the service. there will also be information on the five most common drugs currently being used in Harrow – Cannabis/Edibles, Nitrous Oxide, Vaping/Smoking, Alcohol and Lean.

Compass Harrow staff will also be providing brief interventions.

It is hoped that young people who might be using or are affected by substance misuse, would be empowered with knowledge and also could pass information on to their peers. And also understand where they can get help.

Rumina added: “The plan is that then tutors will identify young people who have a need and for young people who will know that they can come to us and get that support. It would be great to build a long-term partnership so that we can continue to promote the service over the years to come for all the young people.”
