Published on: May 24, 2019
Safe East has recently launched their new health and wellbeing hub. Approximately 60 people attended the event. Young people networked and visited the stalls of key agencies such as St Giles Trust, Spotlight Youth Club and QuitRight. The event was hosted by our Senior Administrator, Mohammed Azam who alongside the DJ, kept the energy in the room at a high level. Lisa, the Service Manager spoke of our success to date and future plans of the service. One of our Student Volunteers, Nishat Tasnim read a case study which highlighted the various types of support on offer. The event was also attended by the Deputy Young Mayor who gave an inspirational speech on how young people can make a difference and get their voices heard.
Entertainment was provided including a variety of soulful performances from local artists Wonu (AKC Entertainment), Coralie, Jordanne and Skye (Spotlight Youth Club). Diamond, a 12 year old female rapper who was also from Spotlight Youth Club, closed the entertainment segment with a bang!
Young people were given the opportunity to enter the prize draw by completing a consultation questionnaire about their views on the service, promotional material and website. The the lucky winners received a FITBIT, cinema tickets and Nando’s food vouchers. The event ended with a visit to our Clinical hub where a tour of the new premises was given.
For more information about upcoming events and services on offer at Safe East please contact us by:
Phone: 020 3954 0091
Email: compass.towerhamletsyphws@nhs.net
Visit: www.compass-uk.org/services/tower-hamlets-compass-safe-east
Twitter: @safeeast
Text (ChatHealth): 07520 615 593