Published on: May 29, 2024
Our Compass Wellbeing Trainer Danielle Grant has completed a week long ‘Train The Trainer’ course to British army staff.
Danielle delivered three modules of training to army trainers, platoon commanders and recruit trainers from different regiments in the British Army.

She said a contract began last year with Danielle delivering online to eight army trainers.
She said: “The purpose was to educate the soldiers on ‘Illegal and legal (prescribed or over the counter) drugs’ and the risks of taking them. As well as explaining the types of medication and supplements that will fail an Army ‘Compulsory Drug Test’ (CDT).”
The recent training included a first module on Illegal Substances. She was supported by Compass service manager Stuart Hasteas the Subject Matter Expert.
Danielle said: “The whole day was incredibly interesting and the army trainers were really engaged with the subject and contributed personal anecdotes and experiences.
“Several soldiers gave accounts of being approached and offered drugs in clubs and whilst on leave. Obviously there is a zero tolerance policy on drugs, or any illicit substance that would cause a failed CDT so it was interesting discussing the challenges and strategies they used.
“The harm reduction premise is not something that can be explained very easily when the absolute message is Just say No.”
The complex nature of over the counter and prescribed medication, discussed in the next module, w2as also discussed. Every medication needs to be prescribed by army medics or signed off by army medics as being safe and compliant.
The final module was focused on Danielle discussing the five ways to wellbeing and how to promote a healthy, happy lifestyle. This module was significantly lighter and fun with some” very funny role plays” and team teachings, she said.
Danielle concluded: “The week was full to the brim with information, facts and figures; but everyone was really engaged and there was a lot of knowledge gained.
“The soldiers were incredibly welcoming. I had a fantastic time working with them. There was some great feedback and we’re hoping to deliver another round to a new cohort very soon.”