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Children inspired to raise money to support their own wellbeing

Published on: September 18, 2023

Children at a primary school in North East Lincolnshire have raised £200 for Compass GO in gratitude for the support they have received from mental health support team. And the money is being ploughed straight back into wellbeing projects for the school.

Years five and six at Willows Primary Academy had successfully set up a Peer Wellbeing called ‘Willows Wellbeing Warriors’ with Compass GO! staff.

GO staff reported that alongside the work this group had done to support their schoolmates at the end of the school year, they decided wanted to run a Tuck Shop in school to raise money for Compass GO!

The children said they wanted to say thank you for all the help and support they have had and for helping to set the group up.

Zowie Paton, Supervising Practitioner working with the school met with the group and was presented with a £200 cheque.

Zowie spoke with the Headteacher of the school about ways GO! could put this money back into the school and it was decided it would be spent on books and wellbeing games for a new library section on Mental Health.

Zowie presented these books and games to the whole school during the September assembly, welcoming them back to school and a recap/introduction to what we do for all the children.

Many children were excited to see Zowie back in school and could even recite coping skills that they had learnt during Whole School Approach interventions, such as grounding techniques.

Two members of the ‘Willows Wellbeing Warriors’ were present to receive a round of applause and be presented with the books and games.