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A statement by the Compass CEO following the media reports of sexual abuse in schools

Published on: April 27, 2021

Central to Compass’ mission is to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people and enable them to achieve their true potential and realise their talents. As a result, children should feel safe, secure and respected at all times and feel able to grow up in their community free from harm, abuse and sexual violence. I therefore strongly support the review commissioned by DfE, including the setup of a national helpline by the NSPCC to urgently respond to the reports of sexual abuse and harassment against school aged children in education settings.

Any pupil who comes forward within our services will be sensitively supported to ensure they receive the right help that they need and to ensure their voice is heard. We will continue to work closely with local partners to tackle underlying causes and deliver a coordinated response, particularly with our education and social care colleagues. Creating a culture that thrives on healthy and respectful relationships is paramount, not just within schools but across all health, social and education providers, the workplace and communities.  The advent of compulsory education within schools relating to relationships, sex and health is going to be a crucial building block in enabling pupils, parents / carers, professionals and future generations to play an integral role in creating a society that eradicates sexual violence and harassment for good.

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