Published on: June 17, 2021
A tried and tested model for creating mentally healthy schools by using the whole school approach was shared in a webinar learning event by health and wellbeing charity, Compass.
Nearly 70 professionals, from organisations including NHS trusts, councils, schools, psychological services, universities, and other charities, joined the live feed led by Rachel Bundock, CEO, of Compass and Lorna Galdas, Senior Commissioning Officer, North Yorkshire Children and Young People Commissioning team, NHS North Yorkshire CCG.
The event, entitled, ‘Bringing the whole school approach to life’ was designed to share Compass’ best practice model, developed in response to Public Health England’s Eight Principles of promoting a whole school approach to emotional health and wellbeing guidance.
Ms Bundock said: “It’s vital that we help schools and colleges to get it right for children and young people who are living in unprecedented times.
“Our charity has two decades’ experience in working on health and wellbeing -related issues with children, young people and families.
“We have an obligation to share what we have learnt. We want as many school aged children as possible to benefit from what is a tried and tested model of achieving mentally healthy and safe environments within schools.
The presentation included perspectives from Compass operational leads who explained what practical support schools value, such as training and consultation and what worked best in creating cultural change.
Compass is a provider of schools-based Mental Health Support Teams, in North East Lincolnshire and Barnsley.

The charity’s Compass BUZZ project, commissioned in April 2017 by NHS North Yorkshire CCG has effectively trained, coached and empowered nearly 400 North Yorkshire schools and colleges in embedding a whole school approach (WSA), through a sustainable model of delivery.
Mental wellbeing is now a critical part of the PSHE curriculum and Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance, whilst Ofsted Inspectors routinely assess pupils’ resilience, confidence, independence and understanding of how to keep physically and mentally healthy, under the key judgement area of personal development.
The event covered:
- The meaning of a WSA to mental health and wellbeing
- The importance of whole workforce training and its impact
- How senior school & college leaders can create a mentally health culture
- What a WSA approach looks like in practice
- How the WSA can practically be achieved as part of an MHST.
MHSTs are intended to equip staff within a school or college to embed a WSA to mental health and wellbeing within their setting. We believe the WSA is integral to improving our young population’s health and our aim is to bring to life the spirit of an MHST.
Ms Bundock added: “We were delighted with the number of busy professionals who were able to join us – they got first-hand accounts of what worked well in schools and colleges that really made a difference to teachers, pupils and parents/carers.”
A question and answer session lasting a quarter of an hour rounded off the 55 minute event.
The charity’s next learning event will run in September on the theme of ’MHSTs – supporting vulnerable groups.
If you are interested in knowing more about this event or in registering your interest for our next event, please contact us at info@compass-uk.org
Children's commissioner , Compass , MHSTs , whole school approach