Being Solution Focused – Samantha Dunkley, Data and Administration Lead, Compass Shine
Sam has been with the service through some very challenging periods. Her resilience and adaptation to change have been exemplary, particularly as processes continually modify due to leadership and system changes. Sam always comes to work with a smile on her face and a ‘can do’ attitude – a ‘we could do this or shall I do that…’ which is infectious to her colleagues. Sam epitomises a hard working ethos, which goes above and beyond for the service, and CYPs of Coventry.
As Shine’s Data and Admin lead, Sam is continually reviewing processes both internally, and with the wider external Coventry system in which she works. This is evidenced by her key partnership with Navigation Hub, and improving referral and escalation pathways back into CAMHS. Sam has done this by her caring but focused demeanour. Due to the varied nature of her role, Sam provides lateral thinking, which takes into consideration impact on all parts of the service – giving her a unique position to deliver ideas on better efficiency, and outcomes for the service.
Sam’s ability to self-manage a very complex personal life, enables her to transfer these skills within work, particularly when managing a very heavy workload. Her ability to prioritise and multi-task is exceptional. Sam is the H&S lead for the service, and since moving into our new office, has been responsible for making us compliant with all regulations, despite a resistant landlord.
Sam’s welcome presence on SEND and Disability EDI group, will enable a focus upon colleagues who are ‘carers’ in their personal lives. She is also a key figure in the IAPTUS superuser groups, and has been instrumental in the implementation IAPTUS within Compass SHINE.