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Being Solution Focused – Clare Hitchen, People Assistant, People Team

Clare is a source of support for every single member of the People Team. Her knowledge from years of experience with Compass, desire to learn and natural curiosity makes her key in solving varying problems, finding solutions and her innate, hard working nature means she is on the tip of every tongue when the question how comes up.

In the past year she has led and/or supported on the following projects, where she is a key player in brain storming, getting to the heart of a problem, putting in the graft to get jobs finished and there will be more that I don’t mention and will not be aware of.

Assessment Centre

Wave 12

Eploy project

New HR/Payroll system

Benefits Review


Alongside this Clare works with the People Team inbox, recruitment inbox, notetaking and many many other items that come up in everyday working. Clare has an inspiring effect on the team in bringing us all together and working as one to achieve a deadline. With her wealth of experience of the organisation Clare can see how each piece of work impacts different departments and can articulate this to other colleagues.